The Chapel
During the building phase, Dr. Westphall, from force of habit, locked the entrance door to the Chapel each evening. One morning he found a message written on a piece of scrap plywood that asked, “Why did you lock me out, when I needed to come in?” Since that time, the Chapel doors have never been locked. The Chapel is a place of reflection. All veterans who cross its threshold find a place of peace, honor, and comfort.
Photographs of thirteen Vietnam War dead or missing are on display in the Chapel. The photographs are rotated every month, alphabetically by state. The one of David Westphall remains on display permanently. While the foundation has a collection of more than 2,000 photographs of Vietnam KIA or MIA, over 58,000 US military personnel were killed or missing in Vietnam. To submit a photograph and the biographical information of a Vietnam Veteran killed or missing in action, please Contact Us.
Put A Face With A Name Campaign
The David Westphall Veterans Foundation is working in conjunction with the Veterans Memorial Fund to call for photos and stories of the Vietnam Vets. Any photos and stories you can provide will be greatly appreciated.